المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : موقع استخباري اسرائيلي :سفارة امريكا تحرك انتفاضة مصر سرّا

31-01-2011, 10:15 AM
قال موقع استخباري اسرائيلي ان الولايات المتحدة هي التي وقفت وراء تصعيد التظاهرات الشعبية وصولا الى ما وصلت عليه الامور دوليا واقليميا ومحليا حتى الان .

وعلى ذمة موقع ديبكا باللغة العبرية فان امريكا خططت جيدا للقلاقل والتصعيد التظاهرات من اجل اسقاط حسني مبارك عن سدة الحكم .واستند الموقع الى مصادر في واشنطن اكّدت له ان امريكا خططت جيدا وبشكل سري تام لكل ما حدث بغية تقويض حكم حسني مبارك ، وان الخطة الجارية الان قد بدأ التخطيط لها عام 2008 فترة حكم الرئيس جورج بوش . اي قبل سنتين ونصف تقريبا .

ويؤكد ذلك ما نشرته صحيفة الديلي تلغراف البريطانية والمقربة من مصادر المعلومات في الاستخبارات البريطانية ، ان امريكا تقف بشكل سري تام وراء كل ما يحدث من تطورات اعقبت التظاهرات الشعبية البريئة ، وقالت الصحيفة حرفيا باللغة الانجليزية Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising.

ويذهب الموقع الاستخباري الاسرائيلي للقول حرفيا : ان امريكا شرعت العمل في نهاية 2008 مع عدد من المنظمات الاهلية - وليس الاحزاب - من اجل تنظيم الجهود الشعبية للمعارضة المصرية وان العديد منهم جرى دعوته الى الولايات المتحدة الامريكية على شكل " دورات تدريب سيمينار " ولكنها في الحقيقة دورات تأهيل لكيفية الانقلاب على مبارك تحت مسميات حقوق الانسان وغيرها . وان سفارة امريكا في القاهرة نجحت فعلا في الحفاظ على سرية هذا العمل وتغطية الامر تحت عنوان دورات تدريب انسانية رغم انها لم تكن كذلك ، وكان الهدف خداع المخابرات المصرية وبالفعل نجحت السفارة الامريكية في خداع المخابرات المصرية .

ويقول الموقع ديبكا : يبدو للبسطاء ان عشرات الاف المتظاهرين في شوارع القاهرة لا قائد لهم ولا احد يقودهم ، الا ان الحقيقة غير ذلك ، فهؤلاء يجري توجيهم من السفارة الامريكية وعبر وسائل اعلام واتصال ، وان هناك زعماء لكن لا احد يعرفهم غير واشنطن كيلا يجري الامساك بهم .

ويقول الموقع ان عملية الاستخبارات الامريكية تتكون من مرحلتين ، المرحلة الاولى هي التخلص من مبارك والمرحلة الثانية اظهار قادة جدد جرى " تربيتهم وتدريبهم " في امريكا للترشح للانتخابات وضمان فوزهم وهكذا يجري ضمان حمايتهم دستوريا !!!

01-02-2011, 05:57 AM
ماهو المصدر حيث بحثت عن الخبر و لم اجده الا في المنتديات ?
ولم اجده في الموقع المذكور حيث لا تدعم الصفحة الا اللغة الانجليزيه و العبريه هلا تمحصت الخبر قبل نقله?

01-02-2011, 09:23 AM
ماهو المصدر حيث بحثت عن الخبر و لم اجده الا في المنتديات ?
ولم اجده في الموقع المذكور حيث لا تدعم الصفحة الا اللغة الانجليزيه و العبريه هلا تمحصت الخبر قبل نقله?

Egypt protests: secret US document discloses support for protesters
Here is the secret document sent from the US Embassy in Cairo to Washington disclosing the extent of American support for the protesters behind the Egypt uprising.
10:30PM GMT 28 Jan 2011
CAIRO 2454 C. CAIRO 2431 Classified By: ECPO A/Mincouns
Catherine Hill-Herndon for reason 1.4 (d ). 1. (C) Summary and
comment: On December 23, April 6 activist xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed
satisfaction with his participation in the December 3-5 \"Alliance of
Youth Movements Summit,\" and with his subsequent meetings with USG
officials, on Capitol Hill, and with think tanks. He described how
State Security (SSIS) detained him at the Cairo airport upon his
return and confiscated his notes for his summit presentation calling
for democratic change in Egypt, and his schedule for his Congressional
meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx contended that the GOE will never undertake
significant reform, and therefore, Egyptians need to replace the
current regime with a parliamentary democracy. He alleged that
several opposition parties and movements have accepted an unwritten
plan for democratic transition by 2011; we are doubtful of this claim.
xxxxxxxxxxxx said that although SSIS recently released two April 6
activists, it also arrested three additional group members. We have
pressed the MFA for the release of these April 6 activists. April 6's
stated goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary
democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections is highly
unrealistic, and is not supported by the mainstream opposition. End
summary and comment. ---------------------------- Satisfaction with
the Summit ---------------------------- 2. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx expressed
satisfaction with the December 3-5 \"Alliance of Youth Movements
Summit\" in New York, noting that he was able to meet activists from
other countries and outline his movement's goals for democratic change
in Egypt. He told us that the other activists at the summit were very
supportive, and that some even offered to hold public demonstrations
in support of Egyptian democracy in their countries, with xxxxxxxxxxxx
as an invited guest. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he discussed with the other
activists how April 6 members could more effectively evade harassment
and surveillance from SSIS with technical upgrades, such as
consistently alternating computer \"simcards.\" However, xxxxxxxxxxxx
lamented to us that because most April 6 members do not own computers,
this tactic would be impossible to implement. xxxxxxxxxxxx was
appreciative of the successful efforts by the Department and the
summit organizers to protect his identity at the summit, and told us
that his name was never mentioned publicly. ------------------- A
Cold Welcome Home ------------------- 3. (S) xxxxxxxxxxxx told us
that SSIS detained and searched him at the Cairo Airport on December
18 upon his return from the U.S. According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, SSIS
found and confiscated two documents in his luggage: notes for his
presentation at the summit that described April 6's demands for
democratic transition in Egypt, and a schedule of his Capitol Hill
meetings. xxxxxxxxxxxx described how the SSIS officer told him that
State Security is compiling a file on him, and that the officer's
superiors instructed him to file a report on xxxxxxxxxxxx most recent
activities. --------------------------------------------- ----------
Washington Meetings and April 6 Ideas for Regime Change
--------------------------------------------- ---------- 4. (C)
xxxxxxxxxxxx described his Washington appointments as positive, saying
that on the Hill he met with xxxxxxxxxxxx, a variety of House staff
members, including from the offices of xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx),
and with two Senate staffers. xxxxxxxxxxxx also noted that he met
with several think tank members. xxxxxxxxxxxx said that xxxxxxxxxxxx's
office invited him to speak at a late January Congressional hearing on
House Resolution 1303 regarding religious and political freedom in
Egypt. xxxxxxxxxxxx told us he is interested in attending, but
conceded he is unsure whether he will have the funds to make the trip.
He indicated to us that he has not been focusing on his work as a
\"fixer\" for journalists, due to his preoccupation with his U.S.
trip. 5. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx described how he tried to convince his
Washington interlocutors that the USG should pressure the GOE to
implement significant reforms by threatening to reveal CAIRO 00002572
002 OF 002 information about GOE officials' alleged \"illegal\"
off-shore bank accounts. He hoped that the U.S. and the international
community would freeze these bank accounts, like the accounts of
Zimbabwean President Mugabe's confidantes. xxxxxxxxxxxx said he wants
to convince the USG that Mubarak is worse than Mugabe and that the GOE
will never accept democratic reform. xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that
Mubarak derives his legitimacy from U.S. support, and therefore
charged the U.S. with \"being responsible\" for Mubarak's \"crimes.\"
He accused NGOs working on political and economic reform of living in
a \"fantasy world,\" and not recognizing that Mubarak -- \"the head of
the snake\" -- must step aside to enable democracy to take root. 6.
(C) xxxxxxxxxxxx claimed that several opposition forces -- including
the Wafd, Nasserite, Karama and Tagammu parties, and the Muslim
Brotherhood, Kifaya, and Revolutionary Socialist movements -- have
agreed to support an unwritten plan for a transition to a
parliamentary democracy, involving a weakened presidency and an
empowered prime minister and parliament, before the scheduled 2011
presidential elections (ref C). According to xxxxxxxxxxxx, the
opposition is interested in receiving support from the army and the
police for a transitional government prior to the 2011 elections.
xxxxxxxxxxxx asserted that this plan is so sensitive it cannot be
written down. (Comment: We have no information to corroborate that
these parties and movements have agreed to the unrealistic plan
xxxxxxxxxxxx has outlined. Per ref C, xxxxxxxxxxxx previously told us
that this plan was publicly available on the internet. End comment.)
7. (C) xxxxxxxxxxxx said that the GOE has recently been cracking down
on the April 6 movement by arresting its members. xxxxxxxxxxxx noted
that although SSIS had released xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxx \"in the
past few days,\" it had arrested three other members. (Note: On
December 14, we pressed the MFA for the release of xxxxxxxxxxxx and
xxxxxxxxxxxx, and on December 28 we asked the MFA for the GOE to
release the additional three activists. End note.) xxxxxxxxxxxx
conceded that April 6 has no feasible plans for future activities.
The group would like to call for another strike on April 6, 2009, but
realizes this would be \"impossible\" due to SSIS interference,
xxxxxxxxxxxx said. He lamented that the GOE has driven the group's
leadership underground, and that one of its leaders, xxxxxxxxxxxx, has
been in hiding for the past week. 8. (C) Comment: xxxxxxxxxxxx
offered no roadmap of concrete steps toward April 6's highly
unrealistic goal of replacing the current regime with a parliamentary
democracy prior to the 2011 presidential elections. Most opposition
parties and independent NGOs work toward achieving tangible,
incremental reform within the current political context, even if they
may be pessimistic about their chances of success. xxxxxxxxxxxx
wholesale rejection of such an approach places him outside this
mainstream of opposition politicians and activists.

حبيبي محمد
02-02-2011, 10:17 AM
لماذا نصدق كل ناعق من وسائل الاعلام اليهودية و الغربية ........ لماذا نشكك في انّ امتنا حيّة و قادرة علىالتحرك ذاتيا دون محرك من امريكا و الغرب ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ و ان كانوا فعلوا ذلك حقيقة فأنهم و الله قد حفروا قبورهم بأيديهم ..... و الله متم نوره و لو كره الكافرون

وليد فهد
02-02-2011, 12:24 PM
اخي الكريم الذي يحدث في مصر هو عمل امريكي بامتياز وللاسف الشديد
حركة شباب 16 ابريل هي حركة ممولة امريكيا ايضا
الشباب هناك يهتفون نريد دولة لا عسكرية ولا دينية
الناس بحاجة الى قيادة منها مخلصة حريصة عليها تنقلها من اعلى الى اعلى وللاسف الشديد لا توجد مثل هذه الحركات بين الناس بل حركات وطنية وعلمانية واسلامية وكلها عميلة

04-02-2011, 06:28 PM
الاخ وليد فهد مش عارف ليش انا معك هذه المرة بالذات
وكلامك اعتبره صحيح
الحركة في مصر حركة علمانية مقودة بشكل دقيق
والاسلاميين لا فرق عندهم بين الاسلام والعلمانية
ومستعدين للعمل في ظل اي نظام حكم حتى لو كان الشيطان
أما الاخرين ومنهم حركة 6 ابريل او غيرها من العلمانيين فهم الكاسبون
ولا يدعمهم الا امريكا

05-02-2011, 11:35 PM
اصحابي ان الامريكان يحاولون القفز عن ربط الامه بماضيها العريق ويحاولون القفزعن الواقع الاستعماري بلترويج لثوره في مصر بانها ثوره شبابيه ليسو اصحاب ايدلوجيه معينه